Motivation > Dedication
We have entered into February of 2019 and going into this month, some of us have succeeded and some have failed in something that we have set out to do. January seemed like the month where the majority of us were trying something new; a lot of the people I came across were trying "dry January". In watching people attempt "dry January", there were varied results. A few succeeded in completing a whole month without drinking alcohol, some failed on the very last day, others failed after a couple of weeks, and there were also failures after the first day. Those that succeeded will claim that it was due to their dedication to the cause and those that failed, lacked dedication. This is a justifiable reason; dedication is an important factor in a person's success. However, after watching people succeed in achieving goals, fail in achieving goals, and also people strive towards their goal; I think that the most important factor in providing a slith...